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Blue-tooth is a wireless protocol that is used to communicate from one device to another in a small area usually less than 30 feet. It is a wireless, which is at lost-cost radio solution that enables small devices such as PDAs, cell phones and palmtops to communicate between each other and with the internet. The technology will also be extended to the desktop so that printers or scanners can communicate with desktop computers at short distance without wires, thereby enhancing ease of use and reducing wiring problems.
The original developers of the Blue-tooth technology were Ericsson, Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Nokia corporation and Toshiba. The technology enables data connection between electronic devices such as desktop computers, wireless phones, electronic organizers and printers in the 2.4 GHz range. Blue-tooth depends on mobile devices equipped with a chip for sending and receiving information.
This technology is a specification designed to enable wireless communication between small mobile devices. The original idea behind the technology was the concept to eliminate the need for proprietary cables, which are currently required to enable device connectivity. A typical e.g would be connecting a digital camera to a PC without cables. Blue-tooth is a standard for a small cheap radio chip to be plugged into computers, printers, mobile phones etc.
The features of Blue-tooth wireless technology are wireless headsets, mobile phones, mobile PCs, plug in cards, hand held PCs, wireless printing, automotive(including wireless headsets and door lock/unlock features, consume electronics(cameras, VCRs, Walkman), access points , electronics pens, mobile music players, entertainment robots


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